Ronnie Hankins Bintliff
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Eloise, Florida
July 28, 1947 to November 09, 1966
RONNIE H BINTLIFF is on the Wall at Panel 12E, Line 46
See the full profile or name rubbing for Ronnie Bintliff

Combat Action Ribbon

25 Sep 2002

Rest in Peace, Brother ...
Your childhood best friend ...

Larry Jackson

20 Jun 2007

God Bless You, Uncle Ronnie. Your sacrifice was not in vain. My service to the Corps was in your Honor!! You are missed dearly. God Bless You.

From his nephew.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 3rd Bn, 3rd Marines' operations log for 09 Nov 1966 contains the following entry:
"At approx 1845-1850H [6:45 PM] 2nd plt "I" Co received 3 rounds of small arms fire. All Marines were in fighting holes trying to observe where fire was coming from when an unknown explosion occured on the parapet of 2 Marines who were in their fighting holes. It is believed that the explosion was an 82mm [mortar] round which killed one Marine immediately and severely wounded the second. At approx 1915-1930 the second Marine died from wounds."
There is an entry at 0937, 10 July correcting the nature of the explosion:
"Correction to spot report 091930H. At coordinates 981580 the death of two Marines was caused by an accidental discharge of an M26 grenade and not by a 82mm mortar as previously reported."
The two men were PFC Ronnie H. Bintliff and PFC Charles L. Roberts of Oregon City, Oregon. They are remembered on the India 3/3 Memorial .

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