Robert Melvin Fletcher
Army of the United States
Lynn, Kentucky
November 22, 1948 to May 12, 1968
ROBERT M FLETCHER is on the Wall at Panel 59E, Line 1
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Robert M Fletcher
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Robert Fletcher was killed on Mothers' Day May 12, 1968. I have wanted for years to try and find some of his relations. I have thought of his Mother several times a year for the last 35 years and Mothers' Day always hits hard. I would love very much to talk to her. I hope she is still alive. I believe Robert had a couple of brothers and Ashland Tenn. was where I believe he was from. Robert was one heck of a guy. I didn't get a chance to know him long, I was with him that day 35 years ago, I was trying to pull him down, because he was being shot at and did not know where the the fire was coming from. I saw where it was coming from and had ahold of his leg trying to pull him down. I didn't get the job done. That has bothered me for years. Robert died trying to kill a NVA soldier. Robert, I will never forget you. Your Eagle Brother, Cliff Searcy.

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