Steven Henry Gerlach
First Lieutenant
Army of the United States
Marengo, Illinois
June 23, 1945 to March 26, 1968
STEVEN H GERLACH is on the Wall at Panel 46E, Line 33
See the full profile or name rubbing for Steven Gerlach


16 Dec 2005


by a fellow soldier in the same unit in Vietnam.

03 Oct 2006


by his sister,
Barbara S. Swany
3330 Seminary Street, Alton, Ill 62002

04 Jan 2007

"Do you remember how we saw a flight of migrating birds in the autumn? They flew over the courtyard, yes, and then they disappeared. That was that, but somewhere in distant lands they are still flying. It is only because our eyesight is too weak that we can't see them. It's the same with people who die . . ."

Even though we cannot see you any more, dear Steven, you still fly in all our dreams. Our son, Steven, is named for you, and the whole Gerlach family thinks of you always.

From his sister,
Mary Jo Johnston
509 West Water Street, Kankakee, Il 60901


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Landing Zone "Incoming" was one of several fire support bases located along the ridgeline which overlooks the northern end of the Plei Trap Valley, about 15 miles east of the Cambodian border. On the night of 26 March 1968 LZ Incoming was attacked by elements of the NVA's 325C Division. The NVA succeeded in breeching the perimeter wire and capturing two of the artillery pieces which were then used against the US soldiers. Nineteen Americans are known to have died in the fight - 17 from the 3rd Bn, 8th Infantry; 1 from the 6th Bn, 29th Artillery; and one from Company A, 4th Engineers - 1LT Steven H. Gerlach of Marengo, Illinois.

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