Robert Stanley Knadler
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
San Angelo, Texas
February 08, 1950 to February 09, 1969
ROBERT S KNADLER is on the Wall at Panel W33, Line 94
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Knadler

Robert S Knadler
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16 July 2005

He went by Stan or Stanley. He was born in Clinton, Oklahoma, but was raised all over the oil states of Oklahoma, New Mexico, Wyoming and West Texas. He was the oldest son of five children, older sister - Bobara; younger sisters - Jerita and Marcia and the youngest - his brother Ron. The family settled in San Angelo and Stan finished his junior year at San Angelo Central High School and then at age 17 entered the Army.

He was a radio operator and served in Germany prior to his tour in Vietnam. He and another soldier disappeared from trash detail on the day after his 19th birthday. It was a month later, before both bodies were found buried in a shallow grave.

He was buried with full military honors in Casper, Wyoming, almost two months after his disappearance. His parents were living in Casper when he died.

His father is now deceased and his ashes were spread among his favorite fishing places near San Angelo, Texas. His mother now lives in San Angelo, once again, as does his sister - Jerita Johnso. His oldest sister, Bobara Nelson lives in Cushing, Oklahoma, his sister, Marcia Schilreff lives in Torrington, Wyoming and his brother Ron lives in Gilbert, Arizona.

He is remembered by the Concho Valley Vietnam Memorial in San Angelo, Texas and the Permian Basin Vietnam Veteran's Memorial in Midland, Texas.

The two poems below were read at his funeral - Stan wrote them while in Vietnam.

From a PBVVM representative,
Billy M. Brown
4015 Melody Lane, Odessa, Texas 79762

There is a whisper in the wind
Telling of my kin.
My Mother for one, who is a loving soul,
Whose love is pure as yellow gold,
Has always been of the truest kind
And helped to clear the fear from my mind.
Now my Father is of a different kind
He does what first is on his mind
He hunts the day and fishes the night,
But when at home he's my guiding light.
Now my brother, he's a funny sight
Instead of laugh he'd rather fight.
Now my sisters three are mighty nice
But don't you know I love them all
And when at home I have a ball
And now my life I would freely give
That for one more minute my family might live.


-- Stanley


You can hear the Bellow
Of the Cannons in the night;
Along with the sound
Of a distant fire fight;
There's rain in the wind
And a chill in the air;
You long for some sleep
But no! You don't dare;
For in your watchfulness
Do many men trust;
And guarding their lives
Is something you must;
As the minutes pass slowly
And the hours roll on;
You're scared and you're frightened
Of the fear that you've known;
Finally your shift is over and done.
But what of the nights yet to come?
Well that's up to God and His Son.
We pray to Him daily
That he'll return us to our homes.

Pay Final Respects to American War Heroes
Staff Writer

Americans paid their final respects to a pair of war heroes Wednesday. One of them was Sp. 4 Stanley Knadler of Casper, Wyoming, who died Feb. 9 while on a mission near Phan Thiet in Vietnam, halfway around the world from the country he defended. The other was Dwight D. Eisenhower.

A military honor guard from Ft. Carson, Colo., dressed in winter drab, with black helmets and wearing black piping, carefully folded the flag of the country for which the 19 year old Casperite had died. With slow measured steps, the flag was presented to Stanley's mother. The honor guard, 16 strong, saluted as several of the family sobbed silently.

Rev. J. Stanley Fixter used in the memorial service two poems written by the soldier while he served in Vietnam. One told of his family, his mother, his father, brother and two sisters. It ended, "And I would give my life that they might live a minute more."

The six pallbearers were members of a special detail from the Fifth Army. They marched smartly but quietly down the carpeted aisle in the hushed chapel.

Rev. Fixter intoned several quotations from the Psalms and from the writings of Peter. He noted that the young man was named "Robert Stanley Knadler" but that for most of his life he had been called "Stan" or "Stanley," and that "He had laid down his life for his family," Rev. Fixter quoted "And Stanley gave his life that many might live," he continued.

"This afternoon we turn Stanley back to God who gave him to us in the first place," The service ended.

Stanley was born in Clinton, Okla. but attended school in the Wyoming communities of Lovell and Lander before entering the service. [Mother wrote notation that he spent four years attending San Angelo schools.]

He died in Vietnam on Feb. 9, the day after his 19th birthday. An Army source said that the circumstances of his death are still being investigated. Stanley had been listed as missing for a month before his body was found in a shallow grave.

Casper (Wyoming) Star-Tribune
April 9, 1969

08 Sep 2005


From his brother,
Ron Knadler


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The two men who disappeared on 09 Feb 1969 were SP4 Douglas J. Beveridge of Bristol, Connecticut, and SP4 Robert S. Knadler.

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