Domingo Flores Morado
Sergeant First Class
Army of the United States
San Antonio, Texas
March 18, 1934 to May 13, 1969
DOMINGO F MORADO is on the Wall at Panel W25, Line 107
See the full profile or name rubbing for Domingo Morado


27 Jun 2002

"To live in the hearts we leave behind,
is never to have died."
(Thomas Campbell, circa 1888)

'For All Of
Back Home'


May 13th should have been a light-hearted day for Sgt.
1.C. Domingo F. Morado.

It was the 18th anniversary of his enlistment in the
Army. He had just two years to go before he retired. A man
retiring at 37 has a lot of living to look forward to.

BIT IT'S DIFFICULT to celebrate an anniversary
while leading a squad of infantry through the jungles of
South Vietnam on a search-and-destroy mission.

Nobody will ever know what Sgt. Morado was thinking
of as he spent the last few hours of his life searching for
the enemy.

Perhaps he was thinking of his wife, Mary, or of his six
daughters, or of coming home in October, after his second
tour of duty in the war zone.

OR MAYBE HE WAS thinking of the enemy.

Nobody will ever know. A Viet Cong mortar rocket ended
all thought for all time for Sgt. Morado shortly after
dawn of the 18th anniversary of the day his father signed
enlistment papaers for his 17-year-old son.

A few things cannot be questioned.

MORADO BELIEVED IN what he was doing.
He was a professional infantryman, and his letters home
said he was there "for all of you back home."

He was a veteran of Korea, and had the Purple Heart
and Bronze Star for valor from that war. He was 35.

Funeral arrangements are pending. He is survived by
his wife, Mrs. Mary L. Morado, and six daughters,
Maria Theresa, Lydia, Joan Louise, Katherine,
Olga Carol and Margaret Rose.

24 Nov 2005

No words can really ever take the place of what the Vietnam vets went through. I pray for their peace, health and happiness if they are alive and pray for their peace if deceased.


I love all of you.

From a friend,
Linda Stanley, Esquire
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry, lost eleven men on 13 May 1969 - ten killed and one missing in action. The engagement began when one element of the battalion was attacked and exacerbated when a relief force was ambushed while en route to assist the first element. The ten men killed in the engagements were
  • A Company:
    • SFC Domingo F. Morado, San Antonio, TX
    • SP4 David F. Bukowski, West Islip, NY
    • CPL Teddy R. Moore, Shinnston, WV

  • C Company:
    • SP4 Martin L. Damitio, Olympia, WA
    • PFC John V. Folger, Bayonne, NJ
    • PFC Jerome K. Lukas, Caledonia, MI
    • PFC Francis G. Patton, Upper Darby, PA
    • PFC Alan C. Ward, Cincinnati, OH

  • D Company:
    • PFC Raymond L. Williams, Alexandria, VA

  • HQ Company:
    • SP4 Felix G. Gonzales, Luling, TX (medic)
The missing soldier was SP4 Larry D. Aiken of Jamaica, NY, assigned to C Company, who had been captured. According to the POW Network, the US conducted 119 separate POW recovery missions during the war but only one resulted in the recovery of an American soldier - SP4 Aiken was recovered from a Viet Cong camp during a raid conducted on 10 July 1969, but he died in an American hospital on 25 July 1969 of wounds inflicted by his captors just before his rescue.

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