Lonzo Joseph Moran, Jr
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Lawton, Oklahoma
August 12, 1948 to September 13, 1968
LONZO J MORAN Jr is on the Wall at Panel W44, Line 51
See the full profile or name rubbing for Lonzo Moran

Lonzo J Moran
usarv.gif 173abn2.gif 503infrgt.gif

16 Jul 2007

Lonnie, my dearest husband, this is to honor you.

You gave the ultimate sacrifice for your country. When duty called you were there. You didn't complain. You are a true American hero. You have never been forgotten nor ever will ever be. I wish you could have known your daughter Kimberly Jo. I wish I could have seen you hold her in your arms.

War robbed us of a lot of things. You died in your hometown buddy's arms - Randy Maples. It brings me comfort to know he was there for you, another American hero who made it home, thank God.

Thanks to all the American heroes who fought and died for our country and for those who made it home - you all are true American heroes.

Janie and Lonzo Moran

From his wife,
Janie Moran McCray


Lonzo J Moran

Lonzo J Moran

Lonzo J Moran


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 13 Sep 1968 infantrymen from 4th Bn, 503rd Infantry were digging out enemy troops in a bunkered area 9 kilometers northwest of Duc Lap. The effort cost the lives of seven Americans, two from a supporting helo unit and five from 4/503:
  • OH-6A 66-14412, A Troop, 7th Sqdn, 17th Cavalry:
    • WO Curtis L. Andersen, Lake Preston, SD
    • WO Thomas C. Jacobs, Bloomington, IL

  • 4th Bn, 503rd Infantry:

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