From Cleveland, Ohio
22 September 1930 - 12 May 1967
12 Jun 2006 This is a tribute to a soldier that I served with before he went to Vietnam. His name was Specialist 5 Phillip Arthur Strizzi. I was a young Sergeant who looked up to an older Specialist 5 that should have been a Sergeant. Specialist Strizzi was a natural leader who was respected by all who served with him. When I knew him he was our unit's motor sergeant. He always had a smile, and a good sense of humor, and could keep you laughing. He was what the Army calls a career soldier. And he took his soldiering seriously! And beyond that he was a family man who loved his family! To this date I do not know what happened to his family. But if you are one of those that he loved and called his own, please remember him and what kind of man that he was. I will never forget him. He inspired all those that he knew! And he made a sacrafice that will never be forgotten by those of us who served with him.
From a friend,
Robert D. Brown, SFC, Retired
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Memorial first published on 12 Jun 2006
Last updated 08/10/2009