Roberto Salazar
Specialist Five
Army of the United States
Houston, Texas
August 02, 1950 to September 23, 1969
ROBERTO SALAZAR is on the Wall at Panel W17, Line 1
See the full profile or name rubbing for Roberto Salazar

Roberto Salazar
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22 June 2002

You are the Hero in our Family. A hero to the world, a son a brother a friend, a medic to his fellow men who were in danger of enemy fire. You are terribly missed and Will Never Be Forgotten. I see your pictures and wonder what you are doing in heaven. I also see the faces of those who fought along side you and realize they are also my heros ... brother and never forgotten. I know dad is with you enjoying being with the Lord and also your other brothers. Thank you so much for being a wonderful brother to me ... and thank you very much for coming for me with an umbrella at the school bus stop so I would not get wet ... thank you for caring that much for me.

With love from your sister

01 Aug 2006

My Dear Robert,

You will never be forgotten. Tomorrow, August 2nd, will be your birthday. How I wish I could see you. Knowing you are with dad and other family members eases the pain for me ... for you are not alone. Thank you for your sacrifice to your younger siblings and your country. Not many know you were the oldest of 14 children. You played the role of a parent to me. I remember one rainy afternoon returning from school on the school bus when to my surprise you were waiting at the stop with an umbrella. I wondered why you were there and I asked you the that question ... you said you came for me so I would not get wet in the rain. How thoughtful and caring for such a young teen to display on his little sister. I am the 11th child so you can imagine mom was pretty much attentioned out. Dear mom and dad were never the same after your death. I know I will see you again when God calls me to Him. The pain never leaves, I just learn to live with it. Thank you for your love, courage, and sacrifice. May God give you a special crown and rewards for your fruits.

Much love and kisses to my big brother.
Gloria Salazar-Palmberg

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Robert is on the left in both pictures and on the right is Mike Kenner who fought side by side with my brother. Mike is alive and well.

30 Aug 2006

Dear Robert, When my family and I went to Washington, we made sure that we went to "The Wall" to look for your name. We found it way, way on the very top ... and as I stared at it, many memories came flooding back.

I can still see your parents, so broken hearted... It seemed like the hearts had been ripped out of their chests. Nothing was the same for them after that. But they were so very proud of the the man that you became. You were out there fighting for our country and I could see the pride in their eyes when they spoke about you.

We were honored to have known you and to have you in our family. Everyone was really proud of you, especially your brothers and sisters. You are never forgotten, and I know that you are in heaven rejoicing with all your loved ones.

Til we meet again, you remain in the hearts of all the ones who loved you...

From your cousin,
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 23 Sep 1969 the 5th Battalion, 12th Infantry lost five men in an engagement 5 kilometers north-northwest of Xuan Loc:
  • A Company:
    • SP4 Robert A. Cooke, Durham, CA

  • B Company:
    • SFC Sherbert L. Cox, Norfolk, VA
    • SP5 Roberto Salazar, Houston, TX (medic, HHC with B/5/12)
    • PFC Galen E. Haynie, Salt Lake City, UT
    • PFC John E. Wright, Circleville, OH
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Medics on the Wall
memorial which honors the
Army Medics and Navy Corpsmen who died in Vietnam.

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