Malcolm Thomas MillerHospital Corpsman 3rd ClassH&S CO, 3RD RECON BN, 3RD MARDIV United States Navy 21 November 1946 - 10 May 1967 Tampa, Florida Panel 19E Line 084 |
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![]() Photo from Corpsman Miller's niece, Dana Fisher |
The database page for Malcolm Thomas Miller
REMEMBEREDA memorial initiated by a fellow Corpsman,HM2 David R. Campbell |
Mac and I arrived in Vietnam on March 10 1967. We had been through FMF and shipped out of Okinawa aboard a troop ship to inoculate the Marines on the way to Vietnam. There were 12 of us Corpsmen. When we arrived in Vietnam we reported to the division surgeon's office to be assigned. Mac selected 3rd Recon as someone said it was better than a grunt battalion and Mac only had 6 months left in the Navy. Sometime in June I went to Danang and visited 3rd Recon Headquarters. Upon walking in I asked for Mac and they told me he had been killed. I left and never did get the details. Where ever I go I always remember those times, especially living in Florida so close to where he lived. I will never forget those days we had together and pray for your family.
11 Nov 2004 Veterans' Day 2004 To Mac and the Miller family - you have not been forgotten. Another year has gone by but you all are still there, especially today as we celebrate another Veterans' Day.
"SEMPER FI" to my friend.
From a friend, HM3 Frank Morelli |
Malcolm Thomas Miller was my Uncle. I never met him. He died before I was born, but through my mom and friends of his that I have made contact with, I feel like he is still part of the family. There are so many people that Mac still touches today through his memories and what he did for our country, I know he will never be forgotten. As long as we all remember his memory he will always be alive in our hearts. Frank Morrelli and Ron "Doc" Smith, I will always treasure you for the friendship you two shared with Mac because I wish I would have had the honor of knowing him the way you guys did. Even students like Maya Ueda still keep our loved ones' memories in the forefront through school projects. What an honor and tribute to have a student in 2004 still want to put so much heart into a school project. Thank you!
From his niece, |
I served as a Navy Corpsman in 1972-76. As I work today at a VA Hospital I have on my wrist my POW/MIA bracelet. My bracelet has a fellow Corpsman who was killed, body not returned. His name is Malcolm T. Miller. I think about this brother every day and all Corpsmen who paid the ultimate price. To you, niece Dana, I will proudly return this bracelet the glorious day your uncle and my brother returns to his home country. Your uncle will always be remembered. God bless you and your family.
From a fellow Corpsman, 31 Mar 2005 I have Malcolm's KIA/BNR bracelet on my wrist. Of course I wear it every day, the first thing I put on in the AM and the last to come off at night. I also was a Corpsman attached to MWSS-371. I served 72-76. Malcolm will not be forgotten ever by his brothers in arms. He will never be forgotten by the members of the Navy Medical Corps and what a Corps they are. Navy Corpsman are a breed of their own and we never forget. As many Corpsman have done no greater gift can one man give than to lay down his life for his brother. God bless Malcolm and his family.
From a fellow Corpsman, 07 Apr 2005 Brother Malcolm is coming home. I just found out yesterday and I still have the chills. I have worn Malcolms' POW/MIA bracelet for many years. I served as a Hospital Corpsman 1972-76. I have thought about this brother every day for many years. I humbly ask Malcolm's aunt and nephew if I could possibly attend his interment at Arlington. If I could I would also like to give my bracelet to a member of the family. God bless you all.
From a fellow HM of the Vietnam era and a bracelet wearer for many years, |
I just wanted to thank the fellow Corpsmen who honor their friend. I also was a Navy Corpsman and served with the 2nd Marines (after Vietnam). While in Vietnam I was in a Recon unit with the Army in the First Cavalry Divison. I am grateful for our Medics and was proud to become one with the Marines -- thank you for remembering your friend and relative. Through you he is still with us.
James C. Mayfield |
HM3 Malcolm Miller was my Uncle. I never had the honor of meeting him. He died many years before my birth. I only knew of him through my mother and family. I have a great pride in my heart for this man I call Uncle Mac. You see I too Served in the Military, in the United States Marine Corps from March 1996-2000. I served as an 0311 (Infantry) or Grunt as some may say. I never had a chance to go to combat, but I can say that I am thankful for all Navy Corpsmen - they are 100% Marine in my book. I never met Uncle Mac, but I feel as if I know him in a sense as a brother Marine. I thank all the soldiers who served with my Uncle. I am proud to call myself a Marine, not for anything I've done, but for those who have served in combat before me such as my Uncle Mac and all who served with him thanks. "SEMPER FI" to my Uncle.
From his nephew, |
I am Malcolm "Doc" Miller's sister and to date I have had my daughter Dana Fisher speak for me and search for me for my brother as my proficiency with the computer is limited. I thank my daughter for fighting my battles. I am so happy my brother is coming home and just as proud of him today as I was 38 years ago for him joining the Navy. He was such a special person as all who knew him and remember him know. I love you, Mac, and think of you every day. Love Sandy
From "Doc" Miller's big sister, |
Malcolm and I met back in the early '60s. We were the best of buddies all through Junior High. We had the time of our lives together, riding our bikes to and from school. Often we would stop on the way home and look at the tadpoles in a shadow creek, or try to catch a small fish with our bare hands. And then we would recapture the day's event of that day in school ... we would laugh so hard that we would beg each other to quit before we'd wet our pants. Most of all, the things I remember about Malcolm was that boyish smile he always had, his reddish hair that never seemed to lay down just right, and his great, funny personality. He was the best friend a boy could have. The last time I saw Malcolm was in 1964. He joined the Navy, and later I went into the Air Force. I was stationed at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana when I found out that Malcolm had been killed in Viet Nam. It was then when I realized how cruel war can be... Malcolm was the first person that I knew who was killed in that war. Unfortunately, there were many more to come. Tomorrow, after 38 long years for his family and friends, Malcolm will be laid to rest in Arlington. Malcolm will always be in my memories, not only as a great friend, but also as a true United States Hero! Thank you Malcolm for the laughs, the fun, and the memomories... I'll never forget you.
From a friend, |
I received Malcolm Miller's bracelet in the spring of 1987. Though I prayed the day would come, I am still in complete awe that Mac and the other brave men who served with him are home. Over the years, he has become a part of me that is difficult to explain. He - and others - are responsible for the freedom I enjoy. Today marks the 38th anniversary of their brave sacrifice and they are home. Home. That is such a wonderful word. Now I pray he is at peace.
Beth |
The remains of Navy Corpsman Malcolm T. Miller were returned in November 2004. I am also a "Devil Doc" from the Tampa area and served with Hotel Co, 2nd Bn, 26th Marines in RVN during 1967-68. I have worn Miller's POW/MIA bracelet since March of 1974. This month I had the great honor of placing it at the bottom of the Panel on which his name appears, give him a salute, and a "Welcome home, rest in peace".
HM2 L. L. "Hawk" Hawkins PS - If any of Malcolm's family see this post, please e-mail me as I am writing a book about Combat Corpsmen and dedicating it to HM3 Miller. I would like to use his picture and any other info you might wish to give me for this tribute. Thank you. |
Mac and I were engaged on his last leave home. The night before he left we had a disagreement and didn't see each other. I've always felt sadness and guilt about that. If only I had seen him that one last time. Had a chance to kiss him good-by. I've cried so many times. Mac, I'll always have you in my heart. I know you are at rest now. I'm glad you're home.
With all my love, If any of you who had his POWMIA bracelet still have it and would part with it, I'd love to have it. God Bless ALL those who serve our country and keep us free.
From his girlfriend, |
Today I took the bracelet down from my visor and held it a while just to remember Corpsman Miller. Today is November 11 2007 and some of us will never forget. I can't remember how long I've had the bracelet but I will keep it always as a tribute to Corpsman Miller and his family.
Frank Leary |
A Note from The Virtual WallAlthough formally assigned to H&S Company, 3rd Recon Battalion, Petty Officer Miller was with A Company on 9 May 1967, when seven members of "A" Company were assigned a reconnaissance patrol ("Recon Team Breaker") with the mission of gathering intelligence information on suspected enemy infiltration routes near Khe Sanh. Although platoon commander 2nd Lt Heinz Ahlmeyer was among the seven, RT Breaker actually was led by Sergeant James N. Tycz. The team consisted of
Shortly after midnight an NVA force of 30 to 50 men literally tripped over the Marines, forcing an engagement. Within a short time, four Marines were dead, one was wounded and unconscious, and two were wounded but functional. Pfc Lopez, an 18-year-old on his third recon patrol, took over the task of radio operator and artillery observer, calling in supporting fires. Several attempts were made during the night to extract the patrol, but enemy gunfire was so heavy that helicopters could not land (one, CH-46A BuNo 151923, made it to a 20-foot hover, where it was riddled with 23 hits, killing the pilot and wounding all other crewmen). At sunrise, fixed wing air was brought in and additional attempts were made to get a helicopter into the defensive position. Finally, toward noon, a UH-1 from VMO-3 was able to sneak in while other rotary and fixed wing aircraft suppressed the enemy. While the UH-1 was able to pick up the three surviving team members, it was not possible to retrieve the bodies of those who had died:
The commanding officer of Alpha 3rd Recon, Captain Albert B. Crosby, was interviewed on 13 May 1967; a tape of the interview is available on the Internet. Although Joint Task Force personnel have surveyed the location, finding fragments of American equipment, the bodies of the four men have not yet been recovered.
Note: ![]() "You guys are the Marine's doctors - There's none better in the business than a Navy Corpsman ..." -- Lieutenant General "Chesty" Puller --
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With all respect
Jim Schueckler, former CW2, US Army
Ken Davis, Commander, United States Navy (Ret)
Memorial first published on 11 Nov 2003
Last updated 08/10/2009